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Accessori per profili in alluminio

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Massimizza la tua produttività con i nostri profili in alluminio di alta qualità.

In azienda offriamo un'ampia gamma di profili in alluminio di alta qualità adatti a diverse applicazioni industriali.

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Esposizione del prodotto

Accessori per profili in alluminio


  • Planar Steering Connection Plate
    Planar Steering Connection Plate

    Name:Planar Steering Connection Plate Material:Carbon Steel Usage:It's used for the planar - cross connection of profiles and can adjust the planar angle within a range from 0 to 180 degrees. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various parts ...

  • Connettori filettati
    Connettori filettati

    Name:Threaded Connectors Material:Galvanized or Chrome Steel Usage:It is used for right-angle or cross connections of profiles, and can also be used for butt joints of profiles. It is installed inside the grooves of the profiles without the need for ...

  • Connettore angolare a 2 vie
    Connettore angolare a 2 vie

    Name:2-Way Corner Connector Material:Al-Found Usage:Threads are tapped at both ends of the profiles, and bolts are used to connect with the connecting blocks. It can be simultaneously used for the right-angle connection of profiles in two different d...

  • Angle Aluminum Connector
    Angle Aluminum Connector

    Name:Angle Aluminum Connector Material:Aluminum 6063-T5 Usage:It is often used for the right-angle connection between profiles, playing a supporting role. It is made of extruded aluminum profiles, and the length of the L-shaped part has a high degree...

  • Staffa

    Name:Bracket Material:Al-Found Usage:It is used to strengthen the supporting force at the connection points of the profiles, and it can also be used as a connection method for profiles that need to have their positions moved. The T-shaped bolts and n...

  • Free Plate Connector
    Free Plate Connector

    Name:Free Plate Connector Material:Carbon Steel Usage:It's used for the superimposed connection of profiles and can be adjusted at any angle. The adjustment range is from 0 degrees to 180 degrees. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various p...

  • Profile Joint
    Profile Joint

    Name:Profile Joint Material:Zn-Al Alloy or Galvanized Steel Usage:This hinge is used for the movable connection between two sections of profiles. Its rotation range is 180 degrees and it has multiple connection methods. Industrial aluminum profile ac...

  • Staffa

    Name:Bracket Material:Al-Found Usage:It is often used for the support and fixation of the connection points between profiles that are subject to strong forces or vibrations. The T-shaped bolts and flange nuts for connection need to be purchased separ...

Applicazioni industriali

Abbiamo una posizione importante nei nostri mercati chiave: recinzioni industriali, trasportatori di guida, scale industriali, piattaforme industriali, protezioni per macchine, postazioni di lavoro, trasportatori a catena flessibili e così via. I processi rilevanti includono estrusione, fusione, colorazione e test di qualità.

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