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Accessori per profili in alluminio

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Massimizza la tua produttività con i nostri profili in alluminio di alta qualità.

In azienda offriamo un'ampia gamma di profili in alluminio di alta qualità adatti a diverse applicazioni industriali.

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Esposizione del prodotto

Accessori per profili in alluminio


  • Steel Door Suction
    Steel Door Suction

    Name:Steel Door Suction Material:Stainless Steel Usage:It plays a fixing role when the door is closed and also has a suction effect, preventing the door from being opened or closed randomly. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various parts u...

  • Fermaporta a farfalla
    Fermaporta a farfalla

    Name:Butterfly Door Stopper Material: Usage:It plays a fixing role when the door is closed and also has a suction effect, preventing the door from being opened or closed randomly. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various parts used to conn...

  • Chiavistello a catenaccio
    Chiavistello a catenaccio

    Name:Deadbolt Latch Material:Aluminum 6063-T5 Usage:Install the handle on the profile, which will facilitate opening and portability. The connecting bolts and T-nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are v...

  • Chiusura rotativa
    Chiusura rotativa

    Name:Rotary Latch Material:Stainless Steel Usage:Install the handle on the profile, which will facilitate opening and portability. The connecting bolts and T-nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are vari...

  • Staffa angolare
    Staffa angolare

    Name:Angle Bracket Material:Al-Alloy Usage:It is used for connecting two profiles that are not perpendicular to each other. The connecting bolts and nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various parts...

  • Special Angle Connector
    Special Angle Connector

    Name:Special Angle Connector Material:Al-Found Usage:It is connected at right angles to the 1530 profiles. When making a door frame, there is no need to process a 45-degree bevel angle, and the frame is stable. Industrial aluminum profile accessories...

  • Special Angle Bracket
    Special Angle Bracket

    Name:Special Angle Bracket Material:Al-Found Usage:It is often used for the support and fixation of the connection points between profiles that are subject to strong forces or vibrations. The side holes can be used as fixing holes for sealing plates....

  • Hidden Right-Angle Three-Dimensional Bracket
    Hidden Right-Angle Three-Dimensional Bracket

    Name:Hidden Right-Angle Three-Dimensional Bracket Material:Al-Found Usage:Three profiles in different directions are connected in a concealed manner, and the set screws are directly locked inside the grooves of the profiles. Industrial aluminum profi...

Applicazioni industriali

Abbiamo una posizione importante nei nostri mercati chiave: recinzioni industriali, trasportatori di guida, scale industriali, piattaforme industriali, protezioni per macchine, postazioni di lavoro, trasportatori a catena flessibili e così via. I processi rilevanti includono estrusione, fusione, colorazione e test di qualità.

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