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Accessori per profili in alluminio

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Massimizza la tua produttività con i nostri profili in alluminio di alta qualità.

In azienda offriamo un'ampia gamma di profili in alluminio di alta qualità adatti a diverse applicazioni industriali.

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Esposizione del prodotto

Accessori per profili in alluminio


  • Connettore incorporato
    Connettore incorporato

    Name:Built-in Connector Material: Nickel Steel Usage:This connecting piece can be selected when profiles are connected in a cross shape or at a right angle. During assembly, it is necessary to drill installation process holes at the specified size p...

  • Inner Connection Plate
    Inner Connection Plate

    Name:Inner Connectinh Plate Material: Galvanized Steel Usage:It is used for making a 90-degree connection when the profiles are cut at a 45-degree angle. There is no need for processing operations like drilling holes or tapping threads. Just put it i...

  • Face Plate Angle Slot
    Face Plate Angle Slot

    Name:Face Plate Angle Slot Material: Zinc Alloy, Nickel Steel Usage:It is used for 90-degree connections. It is installed inside the grooves of the profiles and directly connects to the panels. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various part...

  • Bolted Joint Assembly
    Bolted Joint Assembly

    Name:Bolted Joint Assembly Material: Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:When it is necessary to connect two aluminum profiles in a straight line, drill appropriate bolt holes at the ends of the profiles. Then pass the bolts through the corresponding ho...

  • Interior Angle Bracket
    Interior Angle Bracket

    Name:Interior Angle Bracket Material: Zinc Alloy, Nickel Steel Usage:It's used for the right - angled connection of two profiles. During installation, insert its two ends into the profile grooves respectively and then tighten the set screws. Please s...

  • Fixed Right Angle Connecting Pin
    Fixed Right Angle Connecting Pin

    Name:Fixed Right Angle Connecting Pin Material: S45C Electroplated Steel Usage:It is used for oblique angle connections (other than 90°) between two aluminum profiles. During installation, it is hidden inside the profiles. Please pay attention to...

  • Chiusura a molla
    Chiusura a molla

    Name:Spring Fastener Material: Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:The spring fastener is a special connecting piece for -8/-10 series profiles. When two sections of profiles are connected at a right angle, insert it into the groove of one section of th...

  • 180°Inside Corner Connector
    180°Inside Corner Connector

    Name:180°Inside Corner Connector Material: Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:It is used for the linear lengthening connection between two profiles. During installation, insert it into the grooves at the butt joint of the two profiles, and then loc...

Applicazioni industriali

Abbiamo una posizione importante nei nostri mercati chiave: recinzioni industriali, trasportatori di guida, scale industriali, piattaforme industriali, protezioni per macchine, postazioni di lavoro, trasportatori a catena flessibili e così via. I processi rilevanti includono estrusione, fusione, colorazione e test di qualità.

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