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Accessori per profili in alluminio

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Massimizza la tua produttività con i nostri profili in alluminio di alta qualità.

In azienda offriamo un'ampia gamma di profili in alluminio di alta qualità adatti a diverse applicazioni industriali.

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Esposizione del prodotto

Accessori per profili in alluminio


  • Maniglie per porte in plastica
    Maniglie per porte in plastica

    Name:Plastic Door Handles Material:Nylon Usage:Install the handle on the profile, which will facilitate opening and portability. The connecting bolts and T-nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are variou...

  • Cerniera

    Name:Hinge Material:Nylon Usage:It is used for the movable connection between profiles or between profiles and boards. The connecting bolts and nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various parts used...

  • Fermaporta

    Name:Door Stopper Material:Stainless Steel Usage:It plays a fixing role when the door is closed and also has a suction effect, preventing the door from being opened or closed randomly. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various parts used to...

  • Aluminum Cabinet Handles
    Aluminum Cabinet Handles

    Name:Aluminum Cabinet Handles Material:Al-Found Usage:Install the handle on the profile, which will facilitate opening and portability. The connecting bolts and T-nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are...

  • Cerniera

    Name:Hinge Material:Nylon Usage:It is used for the movable connection between profiles or between profiles and boards. The connecting bolts and nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various parts used...

  • Cerniera

    Name:Hinge Material:Aluminum 6063-T5 Usage:It is used for the movable connection between profiles or between profiles and boards. The connecting bolts and nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various...

  • Metal Universal Hinge
    Metal Universal Hinge

    Name:Metal Universal Hinge Material:Zn-Al Alloy Usage:It is used for the movable connection between profiles or between profiles and boards. The connecting bolts and nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories ...

  • Cerniera

    Name:Hinge Material:Zn-Al Alloy Usage:It is used for the movable connection between profiles or between profiles and boards. The connecting bolts and nut blocks need to be purchased separately. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various part...

Applicazioni industriali

Abbiamo una posizione importante nei nostri mercati chiave: recinzioni industriali, trasportatori di guida, scale industriali, piattaforme industriali, protezioni per macchine, postazioni di lavoro, trasportatori a catena flessibili e così via. I processi rilevanti includono estrusione, fusione, colorazione e test di qualità.

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