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Овде у компанији нудимо широк спектар висококвалитетних алуминијумских профила који одговарају различитим индустријским применама.

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Додатна опрема за алуминијумске профиле

Контактирајте нас

  • One-Word Connection Board
    One-Word Connection Board

    Name:One-Word Connection Board Material:Chrome Steel Usage:It is used for 180° connection of profiles. There is no need for processing such as drilling or tapping. Just put the connecting bolts and screws into the grooves and lock them. The insta...

  • 90° Суппорт Цоннецтор
    90° Суппорт Цоннецтор

    Name:90°Support Connector Material:Aluminum 6063-T5 Usage:It's commonly used for the right - angle connection of profiles and plays a supporting role. It's made of extruded aluminium profiles. The length of the L - shaped part is highly flexible ...

  • Outer Connecting Plate
    Outer Connecting Plate

    Name:Outer Connecting Plate Material:Chrome Steel Usage:It is used for 90° connection of profiles. There is no need for processing such as drilling or tapping. All you need to do is to put the connecting bolts and screws into the grooves and lock...

  • Three-Dimensional Angular Connection
    Three-Dimensional Angular Connection

    Name:Three-Dimensional Angular Connection Material:Al-Alloy Usage:This kind of corner - connection is a special - purpose connector for semi - circular profiles. It can connect two or three profiles together. Coupled with the matching cover plates, i...

  • 3-смерни угаони конектор
    3-смерни угаони конектор

    Name:3-Way Corner Connector Material:Al-Found Usage:Threads are tapped at both ends of the profiles, and they are connected to the connecting blocks by bolts. It can be used to connect profiles in three different directions simultaneously. Industrial...

  • Троугласти алуминијумски прикључак
    Троугласти алуминијумски прикључак

    Name:Triangular Aluminum Connection Material:Aluminum 6063-T5 Usage:It is often used for the right-angle connection between profiles, playing a supporting role. It is made of extruded aluminum profiles, and the length of the L-shaped part has a high ...

  • Powerful Profile Corner
    Powerful Profile Corner

    Name:Powerful Profile Corner Material:Aluminum 6063-T5 Usage:It's commonly used for the right - angle connection of profiles and plays a supporting role. It's made of extruded aluminium profiles. The length of the L - shaped part is highly flexible a...

  • Strength Bracket
    Strength Bracket

    Name:Strength Bracket Material:Al-Found Usage:It is often used for the support and fixation of the connection points between profiles that are subject to strong forces or vibrations. The T-shaped bolts and flange nuts for connection need to be purcha...

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