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Príslušenstvo k hliníkovým profilom

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Príslušenstvo k hliníkovým profilom

Kontaktujte nás

  • Skrutka so šesťhrannou hlavou
    Skrutka so šesťhrannou hlavou

    Name:Hex Socket Head Screw Material: 12.9 High Strength Alloy Steel/Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:It is often used for high-strength connection between two sections of profiles. When making the connection, it is necessary to drill ...

  • Zásuvná skrutka s gombíkovou hlavou
    Zásuvná skrutka s gombíkovou hlavou

    Name:Button Head Socket Screw Material: 12.9 High Strength Alloy Steel/Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:Industrial profile frames generally adopt the internal connection method and all use special round head bolts. Before installation...

  • Hranatá matica
    Hranatá matica

    Name:Square Nut Material:Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:It is often used to connect various accessories on national standard aluminum profiles. During installation, it is necessary to pre-insert square nuts into the grooves of the p...

  • Skrutka s plochou hlavou
    Skrutka s plochou hlavou

    Name:Flat Socket Head Screw Material: 12.9 High Strength Alloy Steel/Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:When used in cooperation with T-nuts, it is often applied to the connection between decorative parts like hinges, door stops, handle...

  • Závitová vložka
    Závitová vložka

    Name:Threaded Insert Material: 12.9 High Strength Alloy Steel/Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:It is mostly used in conjunction with built-in connections such as angle grooves. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various parts...

  • T-Slot Bolt
    T-Slot Bolt

    Name:T-Slot Nut Material: Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:The T-nut block can easily fix other connecting parts onto the groove of the profile. During the assembly process, it can achieve automatic positioning and automatic locking. Industrial alumi...

  • Blok štvorcovej matice
    Blok štvorcovej matice

    Name:Square Nut Block Material: Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:The square nut block needs to be pre-inserted into the groove of the aluminum profile during installation and is used to connect various accessories on the profile. Industrial aluminum ...

Priemyselné aplikácie

Zastávame dôležité postavenie na našich kľúčových trhoch: priemyselné ploty, hnacie dopravníky, priemyselné schodiská, priemyselné plošiny, kryty strojov, pracovné stanice, flexibilné reťazové dopravníky a tak ďalej. Príslušné procesy zahŕňajú extrúziu, odlievanie, farbenie a testovanie kvality.

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