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Aukabúnaður fyrir álprófíl

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Vara Skjár

Aukabúnaður fyrir álprófíl

Hafðu samband

  • Höfuðskrúfa fyrir sexkant
    Höfuðskrúfa fyrir sexkant

    Name:Hex Socket Head Screw Material: 12.9 High Strength Alloy Steel/Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:It is often used for high-strength connection between two sections of profiles. When making the connection, it is necessary to drill ...

  • Hnappahöfuð innstunguskrúfa
    Hnappahöfuð innstunguskrúfa

    Name:Button Head Socket Screw Material: 12.9 High Strength Alloy Steel/Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:Industrial profile frames generally adopt the internal connection method and all use special round head bolts. Before installation...

  • Ferningur hneta
    Ferningur hneta

    Name:Square Nut Material:Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:It is often used to connect various accessories on national standard aluminum profiles. During installation, it is necessary to pre-insert square nuts into the grooves of the p...

  • Flat Socket Head Skrúfa
    Flat Socket Head Skrúfa

    Name:Flat Socket Head Screw Material: 12.9 High Strength Alloy Steel/Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:When used in cooperation with T-nuts, it is often applied to the connection between decorative parts like hinges, door stops, handle...

  • Snittari innsetning
    Snittari innsetning

    Name:Threaded Insert Material: 12.9 High Strength Alloy Steel/Stainless Steel/Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:It is mostly used in conjunction with built-in connections such as angle grooves. Industrial aluminum profile accessories are various parts...

  • T-rauf Bolt
    T-rauf Bolt

    Name:T-Slot Nut Material: Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:The T-nut block can easily fix other connecting parts onto the groove of the profile. During the assembly process, it can achieve automatic positioning and automatic locking. Industrial alumi...

  • Square Nut Block
    Square Nut Block

    Name:Square Nut Block Material: Galvanized or Nickel Steel Usage:The square nut block needs to be pre-inserted into the groove of the aluminum profile during installation and is used to connect various accessories on the profile. Industrial aluminum ...


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